Beaglebone Black Beagle Board Linux Computer REV C
BeagleBone Black - REV C

Beaglebone Black Beagle Board Linux Computer REV C

Your Price: $55.00
Out of Stock
Part Number:ASD1226
The Element14 BeagleBone Black (BBONE-BLACK-4G) is a BeagleBoard Compliant design and is identical in technical design and functionality as the specified on The element14 BeagleBone Black is also a new revision (Rev. C) of the BeagleBone Black. The element14 BeagleBone Black Rev C supplies with Debian Linux instead of Angstrom Linux and is powered by a Texas Instruments ARM Cortex-A8 single core processor supported by 512MB of RAM. Many other Linux distributions and operating systems are also supported by element14 BeagleBone Black including Ubuntu, Android, and Fedora. Like its predecessors, the element14 BeagleBone Black is designed to address the Open Source Community, early adopters, and anyone interested in a low cost ARM® Cortex -A8 based processor. It has been equipped with a minimum set of features to allow the user to experience the power of the processor and also offers access to many of the interfaces and allows for the use of add-on boards called capes, to add many different combinations of features. A user may also develop their own board or add their own circuitry.

The BeagleBone Black Rev C features TI's Sitara AM3358AZCZ100 microprocessor, which is based on ARM® Cortex -A8 core with enhanced image, graphics processing, peripherals and industrial interface options such as EtherCAT and PROFIBUS. While the original model (Rev. B) included 2GB of eMMC storage, the element14 BeagleBone Black Rev C features 4GB of built-in storage as the default boot source. The board is also populated with a single microSD connector to act as a secondary boot source for the board and, if selected as such, can be the primary boot source. The BeagleBone Black supports four boot modes, including eMMC boot, microSD boot, serial boot, and USB boot. A switch is provided to allow switching between the modes.

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